Mark Pytellek:
Seminars and Workshops

"Con artists and other psychopaths spend a lot of time talking about themselves in a self-aggrandizing fashion — bragging about their larger-than-life accomplishments and grand schemes, which are often completely fabricated," says Brent Turvey, forensic scientist and criminal profiler at the Academy of Behavioral Profiling in Sitka, Alaska,

Mark Pytellek: Seminars and Workshops

Mark Pytellek claims that he has been lecturing and teaching for around twenty years. corruption enslavement of people

On "FAKEBOOK", Robert Stoneham commented: "The "Conmen" title is VERY apt.
"Selling materials that encourage people that "you dont have to pay income tax because you are a person and not a company like it was intended..." should be criminal. Its fraud, misleading and deceptive. Not "pseudo legal argument" in respect of the income tax claim.

"As my accountant said (he is also part of the greater conspiracy by acting as a "tax agent"), "if you play this game, you will lose your house, car, savings and sanity."

"I'd love to not have to pay income tax, but, living under [a] bridge freezing ain't an appealing thought."

Quoting Meads v. Meads,2012 ABQB 571:
"A critical first point is an appreciation that the concepts discussed ... are frequently a commercial product, designed, promoted, and sold by a community of individuals, whom I [Associate Chief Justice J.D. Rooke] refer to as “gurus”. Gurus claim that their techniques provide easy rewards – one does not have to pay tax, child and spousal support payments, or pay attention to traffic laws. There are allegedly secret but accessible bank accounts that contain nearly unlimited funds, if you know the trick to unlock their gates...

"... a consequence of the fact gurus proclaim they know secret principles and law, hidden from the public, but binding on the state, courts, and individuals.

"And all these “secrets” can be yours, for small payment to the guru."
Meads v. Meads, 2012 ABQB 571

Avoid Mark Pytellek: Seminars and Workshops

images/pytellek-seminar-workshops1.jpg Save your money. Save your time. Save your relationships. Save your health and stress levels. Do not get sucked in.

Pytellek doesn't understand all these “secrets”, but still demands the "small payment to the guru".

Pytellek would make a stack more money as a copywriter, with his many years writing "convincing" emails to attract his audience, because Pytellek is a Con Artist. He could sell his own grandmother, he's such a smooth talker... [Maybe he already has]

So, when newbies like you come along, you are quickly mesmerised and sucked into Pytellek's charm, and his apparent knowledge and wisdom.

It's all so new to you.

And it just sounds "so right".

It sounds Too Good To Be True...

Because that is exactly what it is.

The information that Mark Borleis shares, sounds just so very, very right.

Just watching this "Man of God", with a King James Bible clutched under his arm, making reference to passages in the New Testament...

If Mark Pytellek tells you it works, then it works
It all Sounds so very Good.

Finally, after all your searching for answers...

Here is The Man.

Here is the Man with the answers.

Here is the Man with the stories.

Stories about how Mark Pytellek put the Magistrate firmly in their place in Court.
And how Mark Andrew showed up the opposing legal Counsel in Court.
And how Mark Andrews put the fear of God into the Judge,
and the Judge abrubtly jumped up and vacated the Court Room...

... All Stories. Where is the validation?

Who does Mark Pytellek think he is?
He is certainly NOT Allan Shore, nor is he Denny Crane (who never lost a case)
from Crane, Poole and Schmidt (Boston Legal)...

Far from it.

And nor is he Winston Shrout, or :David-Wynn: Miller. Nor is he any of the Sovereign, Freeman, Common Law Advocates...

He's better than all of them, because he's stolen bits and pieces from everyone and built a patchwork quilt of nonsense. Which is why Magistrates and Lawyers and Judges keep telling him that he clearly has no understanding of what he is doing...
That he has no understanding of the Court Process. But he does have:
A Little Knowledge

And, as we all know, "A Little Knowledge Is A Dangerous Thing".
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"The Greatest Lies and Liars,
Are Those Closest to the Truth...
They Cause the Greatest Damage of All
Because Their Victims Learned to Trust Them"
The bluntly idiotic substance of [these arguments] explains the unnecessarily complicated manner in which it was presented. OPCA arguments are never sold to their customers as simple ideas, but instead are byzantine schemes which more closely resemble the plot of a dark fantasy novel than anything else. Latin maxims and powerful sounding language are often used. Documents are often ornamented with many strange marking and seals.

Meads v. Meads, 2012 ABQB 571

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And if you end up in Court, with a little knowledge, you'll be crucified, as confirmed in an email from... [Zoltan Varseghy?] dated 17 July 2016:

Regrettably, the last person we were in contact with paid his mortgage with a promissory note and BoE and the Bank of Queensland applied at QCAT to have him declared legally insane"
Hey, don't believe anything you see on this website.
Do your own research.
And be very careful.

Because if you believe anything that Mark Pytellek tells you, you may find that you'll have plenty of time on your hands, wearing an orange jumpsuit and eating three square meals a day...
No kidding

Believe NOTHING Pytellek tells you

Demand to see Source Documents.
Do not believe his stories.
Pytellek has NOTHING to lose.

You have EVERYTHING to lose.
You will lose sleep.
You will lose money.
You will lose your health.You will lose your happiness
You will lose your joy.

But Pytellek will win.
He will take (some of) your money.
He will help you get into deeper doo doo.
He will leave you stranded when things get tough.
He will refer you to his friend Zoltan
   ...   (Rinse and repeat).
And you WILL Lose...

If You Cannot Explain Something Simply,
Then You Do Not Understand It.

Have you had a look at Pytellek's Workshop Manual?

Pytellek's Workshop Manual is about an inch thick. It's a compilation of resources from Fiction, from Fact, from Private and from Public.
Good luck trying to make any sense of it. You will find sections that contradict each other. Templates containing paragraphs of gobbledy-gook.

Ask Pytellek what it means, and he'll likely give you an answer such as:
"It's all there, and also on the DVD. I don't have time to explain it." Or, "Come along to my weekend Workshops".

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Pytellek leaves "...everything vague and ambiguous..."

[Source: Arthur & Fiona Cristian - Love For Life - 19th September 2015 ]
The last comment in this post is our detailed reply to Mark Pytellek who promotes a "private" remedy in "The System".
We explain to Mark why his "private" remedy that he is peddling amongst the Freeman/ Sovereignty/ Strawman/ Fight-Them-In-The-Courts, etc, etc, movements is a load of psyop programming b**ls**t.

[Pytellek says] that "The System" needs to be changed but you only offer white noise and gobbledegook because you offer no remedy. You leave everything vague and ambiguous. You talk the right buzz words of community, etc, but we don't see any walk-the-talk action behind these words anywhere in your life.

You [Pytellek] take people into the courts to exhaust their life energy on "The System" even more, getting sucked into the trauma that "The System" thrives on.

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So, Pytellek, bless his little cotton socks, may tell you that "So and So" used this method, or "Such and Such" went this way...

What Pytellek seems to have trouble grasping, is that NO two cases are Identical.

They may be very similar, but the outcome on the day is determined by many variables. The Court, the Administrator, the Registrar, the Police Officer, the Corporation... and because every case is different, every outcome will be UNIQUE.

Every situation, no matter how it looks to the outsider, is a fresh matter, and will be settled in it's own particular way.

And it's fraudulent to be told otherwise. To stand on stage, and say that if you follow this process, you'll achieve the same outcome as someone else did, is a Lie. It is deceit.

Most, if not all the "examples" that he refers to, and the "Successes" that he claims to have been part of, are only a part of the story. Perhaps his excuse for that is that his "students" have not kept him informed of the final outcomes?... Perhaps because they are wearing orange jumpsuits and eating three square meals a day?

No, he doesn't tell you that he may have helped "win a battle", but LOST the war... another nail in the coffin

He doesn't tell you about the people who believed in him, trusted him, and followed his Workshop Manual and DVD, and ended up losing their homes, their farms, their health, their families...

He has excuses for everything, to deny any responsibility, to wriggle out of showing you any SOLID documentation to validate any of his teaching. Most likely because he has none.

He'll tell you convincing stories about how these people didn't listen to him, or they didn't stand their ground or whatever ...

But he will not accept responsibility for, or admit that he really had no clue, and as a result of his "instructions" or "methods" or whatever he calls it, his victims got into deeper trouble.

Pytellek's Right About Some Things

Pytellek is right not to take ALL the blame.

After all, he didn't put a gun to their heads...

He didn't force them to follow his methods. They did have freedom of choice. But was there FULL DISCLOSURE?

Did Pytellek tell them that he really has no idea of what he's doing, or have any foundation to the information that he's giving?

Because if he told them that, he'd be out of work. He would have nothing to do. Do you think he's taken the time and effort to improve his skills, or study and learn and understand what EVERY SINGLE DOCUMENT that is in his Workshop Manual means? Can he tell you how many hours he spends studying and learning and improving each week?

Does he have first hand knowledge and understanding of the structure of most of his templates? Can he explain them, and account for why he copied them from someone else off the Internet? [Even though he apparently told a Supreme Court Judge that he has NEVER downloaded ANYTHING from the Internet]

Does he know how many of these people that he stole documents and resources from, are now incarcerated?

Apart from what he tells you, what evidence do you have that supports ANY of his claims? What SOURCE documents can he show you? Not stories... Not documents that were part of the process... But FINAL outcomes...

He makes some pretty amazing claims in his workshops and seminars. And they do actually sound plausible.

He is very convincing. He is also very irrespossible in the information he shares "for entertainment and education purposes only."

It's not "for entertainment and education purposes only."

Pytellek is a spruiker. He's spruiking at his seminars and workshops...

Is it because he wants you to follow his nonsensical methods, so you go back to him and ask him to rescue you? No matter what "Disclaimer" he may want to use, is it possible that in his own mind he believes it's his "Get Out of Jail" card?

Well, sorry mate, it's not. Because of the INTENT behind it. And if he had no intent to "suck people in", then he wouldn't be charging for his services. But he does. And he charges and doesn't perform. Because he is clueless. And he'll convince you otherwise. And he'll suck you in...

But save yourself the time and energy, and do your own research, instead of listening and reading the drivel coming for Mark Pytellek.

This is his livelihood. That's what scammers do.

And for Pytellek to charge you money, in essence he's charging you for legal advice, and that, in itself is unlawful. Call it a donation, or whatever, it doesn't matter. It's still fraudluent, because he has no idea... No matter what reasoning he may give you. And the risk of you following that course of action, is ALL YOURS. Pytellek has NOTHING to lose.

Go and witness for yourself his antics in court, when he is the DEFENDENT. Then ask yourself why he doesn't follow the script that he uses in his "ROLE PLAYS" at his seminars and workshops.

And read the reports of hearings that Mark Andrew or Borleis or Pytellek have attended for his "friends" and see how well they all went.

Ask independent witnesses for referals. Ask those people if Pytellek really helped them...

Ask yourself how many people he has caused harm to already, all around Australia. Do you think it is possible that the real reason that he keeps using different names, and is evasive when you ask him certain questions, and doesn't want anyone to know where he's living, and keeps on changing his phone number, is because he has already UPSET TOO MANY PEOPLE? And he knows it.

So How Is Pytellek Still Operating?
Is it because he's a slippery, sneaky, coniving, lying, theiving, cheating, pathetic coward of a man, who will do anything to manipulate, to beligerently exhaust and suck up the energies of good honest folks that have become his victims?

Is it because those good people have realised there is little to gain from pursuing such a character?

Is it because he chooses victims that genuinely do want to lead a simple quiet life under the radar and do not want to bring attention to their misadventures, and go through the stress and negative emotions that are needed to bring Pytellek to "Justice"?

Or is it that his victims recognise that there is no "Justice", and Pytellek has, through his many trials and tribulations, found ways to wriggle out of accepting responsibility for the damage and harm that he has brought upon his "Victims"?

Or is it that the costs involved, of time, energy, resources, and stress in bringing Pytellek to Justice are really not worth the effort, when they can be better focused on investing in positive and uplifting projects to benefit others?

Meanwhile Pytellek is getting away with spreading lies, rumours, half-truths, creating stories to tarnish the names of respectable, honest and genuinely good people...

And getting them into deeper doo-doo...

Don't let yourself become his next victim.
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Don't take any testimonials on face value.

Dig deep to find the truth...

You want to know more about the Character of the Man? Read this page about the credit unions.

Yet people still love him. They think he walks on water.

More fool them.

Don't become one of those people.

It is not worth your life, your joy, your peace, your happiness.

Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, then it most likely is too good to be true.

Start by asking questions. The right questions.

Unless you want the wrong answers, in which case ask the wrong questions.
And read what others have said about Mark Pytellek

Pytellek Seminars and Workshops

His source of new business is often through "word of mouth", or by people passing his emails along to their friends.

Here is one such email:

From: Mark B []
Sent: Monday, 22 January 2018 7:35 AM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: Fwd: MOST IMPORTANT YOUTUBE THIS YEAR - MUST WATCH! How the Government Stole our Democracy

Hi Folks

This presentation is THE most important youtube I've seen in some time & discloses treachery, treason, stealth, corruption, attempted enslavement of the people of Qld, & piracy-theft of your assets, of the worst order imaginable.

THE renegade state of Queensland (as we've disclosed now for a decade), & THE model for the other states of Australia, where;

1.There's no rule of law nor has there been for decades (Bjelke Peterson forewarned us!),

2.Is run by (known) organized crime syndicate

3. The people behind this presentation have conducted intense & fruitful research, but not yet provided the remedies.

There are remedies!

1. learn to internalize the rules, doctrines & principles of Equity as taught in the New Testament (but not by your (controlled Church).

As many on this database know, the Rules of Equity PREVAILS over the Common Law & Statute.

Eg. NEVER NEVER EVER testify/make statements/claims/offers when negotiating with the public or bureaucrats, or you ASSUME the debtor position & LOSE!

ONLY ever ask questions or answer questions with appropriate questions, thereby CONTROLLING the conversation & assuming the creditor position in commerce. At court, does the judge ask questions or answer them? He asks them & entraps YOU into the debtor role. Learn how to act as the creditor & win!

Eg. What is the source of your authority to your claim to jurisdiction, authority, status or standing over me/myassets or to do (whatever)?

How does that Act, statute, code or legislation apply to me?

Do you have evidence with you to support your claim? I need to see it now.

Reply to their Q!  "Don't worry about that, you didn't answer my question, so for the 2nd time, (ask question).

If no answer, ask a THIRD time. Failure to answer

   1. enables & permits you to answer FOR them by default, and

   2. Creates an equitable estoppel upon the claimant by reason they agreed, by their ASSENT to chose not to answer, they have no valid claim and waived their right to pursue it

This youtube ought be viewed by all people & then sent to every other man & woman on your database. get people exposed & educated

remedy 2. .... Coming. Watch this space.  It's time the people of Australia, those loyal to a free, peaceful, prosperous Australia for Australians,   unite & rid the internationalists from this continent.


Mark & team

Solutions & Empowerment

From: Mark B []
Sent: Thursday, 12 April 2018 2:19 PM

To: undisclosed-recipients:

Subject: Next Tuesday night presentation

Hi Folks Don't know where the fortnights & the year has gone!

Everyday we take calls with people in severe financial or legal trouble, often with litigation already underway.

Corporations across the country have in 2018 stepped up its aggression against the people (we feel it - by escalation no. of daily incoming callers & emailers seeking help) by making (sometimes illegal & questionable) demands, undertaking (sometimes immoral, unlawful or spurious) actions including threats & threats with menace (an offence against the Commonwealth of Australia, the people & the National Credit Code) against the people.

The aggression & tyranny has recently caught the eye of the media, such as the antics & aggression of the ATO (4 Corners), the police (foreign) corporations whereby their officers are ROUTINELY caught on camera committing acts of serious (USA - aggravated) assault against the people etc etc etc The bottom line is corporations have budgets to meet and ever increasing voracious demands for profits to meet their unknown - behind the scene - faceless internationalist investor/s & shareholders & you are the golden goose to supply & transfer your wealth & productivity to them by their extortive & legal process!

Time to say NO MORE &


We here people's complaint's DAILY against these predators.

We see more & more people's time being usurped into dealing with corporate parasitism, often draining the energy of the unpaid victims!

Do you feel - ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

Then come along & bring someone who feels like you, a victim of corporate aggression & parasitism! You may awaken their hunger to;

1. learn their rights &

2. learn to negotiate commerce so as to not use their energy or productivity of their labour (reflected as money) so as to preserve their assets-estate, &

3. create & realize wealth & prosperity, &

4. enjoy a far less stressful life

Folks, its time to:
1. Know your rights & to exercise them, and

2. Unite into a statewide and Federal Community that has the MUSCLE of community support to voice & execute the rights & demands of its members, (Jeff D Hodges - The No Tolls Party, Qld & federal & looking for more candidates with integrity & honesty) and

3. Learn to SETTLE matters in timely manner with least energy

Tuesday night's module is a part of paragraph 3 above, being a method to settle 99% of outstanding issues in YOUR favour (namely claims or statements of account - Infringement Notices etc made by the corporate pirates-predators) AT a round table meeting with key employees & their legal representative meet with you & your advocate-witness! Save time (writing notices to & fro) & money (preparing for & attending Courts, paying from your scarce resources the unjust - unconscionable claim for their self enrichment) by settling matters at a round table meeting.

At Tuesday nights presentation we'll share the principles used to attain agreement between the parties in YOUR favour, and otherwise attain settlement of the matter that creates an estoppel against your opponent by MUTUAL AGREEMENT. If you don't here fully understand, you will at the presentation. it's simply a SIMPLE duplicatable PROCESS. One meeting can potentially tens of thousands of dollars spent on legal costs, judicial costs, and your time & money.

There will be live role plays & examples of real settlements achieved using the (key principles of equity & negotiating agreements by assent) round table meeting process.

P.S. Recommendation: Purchase a (second hand for as little as $1) copy of at least one law-legal dictionary so as to comprehend the terminology used within this correspondence.

our words are used against us by (alleged) authority & we are (usually correctly) deemed incompetent!

look forwards to seeing you there

Kindest Regards & Blessings

Mark Pytellek & team

Solutions & Empowerment

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Doesn't this sound like someone who knows what they want,
and knows what to do about it?

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Of course it does... here is someone making all the right noises. Someone who recognises a problem.

Someone who is offering Solutions and Empowerment...

Some people have a different definition of the words
“Honour” and “Integrity”, even Bible Carrying teachers and lecturers.

You Have Been Warned

Don't believe anything you see or hear at his seminars and workshops.
Do not assume ANYTHING.

If Mark Pytellek tries to "fob you off" with a story, or some waffling answer, or evades the question... then ask him again. Ask him again. Ask him again.

Do not believe anything Pytellek tells you.
Do not believe any of Pytellek's claims. Ask for proof.
Ask to see Source Documents.
Do your own research. And be very, very careful.

Because if you believe anything that Mark Pytellek tells you, you may find that you'll have plenty of time on your hands, wearing an orange jumpsuit and eating three square meals a day.
No kidding.
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Mark Pytellek: The Con Artist Of Australia
[S626908515_7271] "Why is Mark Andrew Boyle Pytellek a Con Artist?"

"It is because he and his supporters are conning Australians with the so called Honour Dishonour Rubbish!. Defenders News Online have been contacted by many blind supporters of the Con Artist Mark Pytellek, and have demanded that we provide evidence to support our publications.

"Well, lets put a summary of some of the rubbish that Mark Pytellek teaches at his so called Honour Dishonour Workshop:
1. to drive Unregistered vehicles;
2. to drive vehicles without a Licence;
3. to drive un-insured vehicles;
4. to disregard road and safety rules;
5. to carry passagers in unregistered vehicles;
6. to disregard Australian laws.
"For those unfamiliar with 'Freeman On The Land' woo, it's the idea that the legal system uses special hidden mechanisms to control people and if you know the "secrets" of the system that you can somehow be free of it and get to ignore the courts and act like you are your own sovereign country.

"You can live "freeman on the land" and be your own sovereign entity, free of all laws.

"Of course this is flawed at the start since unless you find your own private island, you are living in a sovereign country where you DO have a obligation to obey the laws since you get and receive government services just by driving down the road. But hey, its woo, who cares about logic?"